Bellissimo Grande Hotel - 411 Norwich-Westerly Road, North Stonington, CT 06359 - 860.535.0022 - gm@bellissimogrande.com

Bellissimo Grande Hotel is now a part of the Wyndham Hotels and Resorts distinctive Trademark Collection
Bellissimo Grande Hotel
Reservations: Call Us At 860-535-0022 or

About The Owner
Patrick Levantino
The Bellissimo Grande is a product of my many fond memories growing up in an Italian family. There are many influences that have shaped my life; however, nothing comes close to the indelible imprint that my family has made on me
Who I am today is a direct result of the great love and support that my parents, brothers, and sister gave me while I was very young. These are the very people who I tried to pay homage to in terms of the atmosphere that I wanted to create for the Bellissimo Grande: an atmosphere that is filled with an aura of family and a deep sense of caring
I also learned to appreciate the great legacy of art that is an integral part of Italian culture. The Bellissimo Grande's decor and amenities reflects the very beauty and artistry that are deeply woven in the fabric of all things that come from Italy. I invite you stay with us at the Bellissimo Grande. I promise to make you feel like family. Ciao
Patrick Levantino CPA
Owner & Founder
Bellissimo Grande LLC